Mitchell, David
Personal Information
Rank | E II |
Forename(s) | David |
Surname | Mitchell |
Gender | M |
Age | 24 |
Date of Death | 11-05-1950 |
Aircraft Information
Aircraft | Avro Lincoln B2 |
Serial Number | SX957 |
Markings |
Memorial Information
Burial/Memorial Country | United Kingdom |
Burial/Memorial Place | |
Grave Reference | |
Epitaph |
IBCC Memorial Information
Phase | Post-War |
Panel Number | POST (not yet erected on site) |
Enlistment Information
Service Number | 1823806 |
Service | Royal Air Force |
Group | |
Squadron | 148 |
Trade | Flight Engineer |
Country of Origin | United Kingdom |
Fellow Servicemen
Please note that this list gives all the losses aboard the quoted aircraft and occasionally these may have occurred on an earlier date when the aircraft was not itself lost. Please check the dates of death carefully.
Last Operation Information
Start Date | 11-05-1950 |
End Date | 11-05-1950 |
Takeoff Station | Shallufa |
Day/Night Raid | Day |
Operation | Fighter affiliation exercise |
Reason for Loss | Mid-air collision with DH Vampire FB. 5 VZ188 12 miles east north east of Fayid Egypt. The Vampire carried out a head on attack against the aircraft but failed to pull away and they were involved in a head on collision. The Vampire was an FB5 serial VZ188 of 213 Sqn and the pilot was Pilot II Stanislaw DABROWSKI 28. |