Elson, Frank Raymond
Personal Information
Rank | F/O |
Forename(s) | Frank Raymond |
Surname | Elson |
Gender | M |
Age | 24 |
Date of Death | 12-12-1944 |
Next of Kin | Son of Frank and Phoebe Elson, of Walsall, Staffordshire. Husband of Evelyn Elizabeth Elson, of Walsall. |
Aircraft Information
Aircraft | Avro Lancaster III |
Serial Number | PB453 |
Markings | F2-S |
Memorial Information
Burial/Memorial Country | Germany |
Burial/Memorial Place | Reichswald Forest War Cemetery |
Grave Reference | 13. E. 16. |
IBCC Memorial Information
Phase | 2 |
Panel Number | 160 |
Enlistment Information
Service Number | 165181 |
Service | Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve |
Group | 8 |
Squadron | 635 |
Squadron Motto | Nos ducimus ceteri secunter (We lead, others follow) |
Trade | Air Bomber |
Country of Origin | United Kingdom |
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
The National Archives
Record of Events (Operational Record Book) AIR 27/2155/20 |
Summary of Events (Operational Record Book) AIR 27/2155/19 |
Fellow Servicemen
Please note that this list gives all the losses aboard the quoted aircraft and occasionally these may have occurred on an earlier date when the aircraft was not itself lost. Please check the dates of death carefully.
Last Operation Information
Start Date | 12-12-1944 |
End Date | 13-12-1944 |
Takeoff Station | Downham Market |
Day/Night Raid | Night (7% moon) |
Operation | Essen. 540 aircraft, 6 lost (1.1%). The last sizeable night raid on Essen. A very accurate attack on the Krupps works, it being singled out for discussion by Albert Speer during his post-war interrogations. 463 people were killed and 696 houses destroyed. The high death toll was due, in part, to the prison being hit with the loss of 201 prisoners. |
Reason for Loss | Hit by flak on the bombing run and exploded, debris falling on the western suburb of Borbeck. |