Spencer, Joseph Aloysius
Personal Information
Rank | P/O |
Forename(s) | Joseph Aloysius |
Surname | Spencer |
Gender | M |
Age | 22 |
Date of Death | 23-08-1943 |
Next of Kin | Son of Mary E. Spencer, and Stepson of Malcolm Spencer, of Letchworth, Hertfordshire. |
Aircraft Information
Aircraft | Avro Lancaster III |
Serial Number | DV228 |
Markings | QR-F |
Memorial Information
Burial/Memorial Country | Netherlands |
Burial/Memorial Place | Hei-En-Boeicop (Heicop) General Cemetery |
Grave Reference | Row 1. Joint grave 3. |
IBCC Memorial Information
Phase | 1 |
Panel Number | 100 |
Enlistment Information
Service Number | 149541 |
Service | Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve |
Group | 5 |
Squadron | 61 |
Squadron Motto | Per puram tonantes (Thundering through the clear air) |
Trade | Pilot |
Country of Origin | United Kingdom |
Other Memorials
Location | Hei-en-Boeicpseweg, Hei-en-Boeicup,Utrecht Province |
Country | the Netherlands |
Memorial Type | Propeller unit and stencilled conposite information board |
Memorial Text |
Om 21:11 ur steeg de Lancaster (QR-F), serienummer DV228 van RAF 61 Sqn, gestationeerd in Syerston, op met pilot Joseph (Joe) Spencer en zijn bemanning. Ze zetten koers over Nederland richting Leverkusen. Ondanks zwaar Duits luchtafweer-vuur bereikten ze
Translation "At 21:11 hours, Lancaster (QR-F), serial number DV228 from RAF 61 Sqn, based at Syerston, took off with Pilot Joseph (Joe) Spencer and his crew. They set a course over the Netherlands towards Leverkusen. Despite being under heavy German Anti-Aircraft Fire, they reached and dropped their bombs over their target in Leverkusen. On return to base in England the Lancaster was detected by German radar stations located in the Netherlands. A German nightfighter, a Messerschmitt Bf 110 G-4 intercepted and attacked Lancaster DV228. The Lancaster shot and on fire, lost altitude rapidly. Around 01:30 hours it crashed in Neder-Heicop Polder near the place where this memorial plaque is located. Six crew members died in this crash" |
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
The National Archives
Record of Events (Operational Record Book) AIR 27/578/16 |
Summary of Events (Operational Record Book) AIR 27/578/15 |
Fellow Servicemen
Please note that this list gives all the losses aboard the quoted aircraft and occasionally these may have occurred on an earlier date when the aircraft was not itself lost. Please check the dates of death carefully.
Last Operation Information
Start Date | 22-08-1943 |
End Date | 23-08-1943 |
Takeoff Station | Syerston |
Day/Night Raid | Night (47% moon) |
Operation | Leverkusen |
Reason for Loss | Shot down by a night-fighter (Lt Heinz Bock, 111.NJG1) and crashed 0149 23Aug43 at Heicop (Zuid Holland) in the commune of Hei-en-Boeicop, |