Aircraft | Hawker Typhoon IB |
Serial Number | JP797 |
Markings | -M |
Burial/Memorial Country | United Kingdom |
Burial/Memorial Place | Runnymede Memorial |
Grave Reference | Panel 134.. |
Epitaph |
Phase | 3 |
Panel Number | Not yet erected on site |
Service Number | 1271700 |
Service | Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve |
Group | 84 Group, 146 Wing |
Squadron | 197 |
Trade | Pilot |
Country of origin if different | United Kingdom |
Start Date | 30-11--0001 |
End Date | 30-11--0001 |
Takeoff Station | |
Day/Night raid | |
Operation | Rhubarb operation |
Reason for Loss | His No. 1 (F/O Turton) only became aware that he was missing as he saw a splash in the sea. It was later determined that he had been hit by flak. |