Aircraft | Hawker Typhoon IB |
Serial Number | JP731 |
Markings |
Burial/Memorial Country | United Kingdom |
Burial/Memorial Place | Brookwood Military Cemetery |
Grave Reference | 47. B. 1.. |
Epitaph |
Phase | 3 |
Panel Number | Not yet erected on site |
Service Number | J/22221 |
Service | Royal Canadian Air Force |
Group | 83 Group, 121 Wing |
Squadron | 175 |
Trade | Pilot |
Country of origin if different | Canada |
Start Date | 30-11--0001 |
End Date | 30-11--0001 |
Takeoff Station | |
Day/Night raid | |
Operation | Training- low level dog fighting exercise with two Spitfires |
Reason for Loss | Returned from leave on the morning of the 6 Oct 1943 and was sent up in a Typhoon aircraft to do some local flying and familiarize himself with the aircraft again. After being airborne for roughly 30 minutes, he became engaged in a mock dogfight with two other friendly aircraft of another squadron, and after a few moments of this type of flying, his aircraft got out of control when making a tight turn and got into a spin from which he was unable to straighten out, thus diving into the ground and being killed instantaneously. |