Aircraft | Douglas Boston IIIA |
Serial Number | BZ416 |
Markings | RH-T |
Burial/Memorial Country | France |
Burial/Memorial Place | Calais Canadian War Cemetery, Leubringhen |
Grave Reference | 7. F. 11.. |
Epitaph |
Phase | 3 |
Panel Number | Not yet erected on site |
Service Number | R/221011 |
Service | Royal Canadian Air Force |
Group | 2 Group, 137 Wing |
Squadron | 88 (Hong Kong) |
Trade | Air Gunner |
Country of origin if different | Canada |
Calford R J (F/O) |
Emsig M K (F/O) |
Start Date | 30-11--0001 |
End Date | 30-11--0001 |
Takeoff Station | Hartford Bridge |
Day/Night raid | |
Operation | To attack an enemy strong point at Boulogne |
Reason for Loss | Shot down by flak near Boulogne, the tail plane was seen to break off. |