Aircraft | Bristol Blenheim IV |
Serial Number | T2339 |
Markings |
Burial/Memorial Country | Greece |
Burial/Memorial Place | Suda Bay War Cemetery |
Grave Reference | Joint grave 14. B. 16-17.. |
Epitaph |
Phase | 3 |
Panel Number | Not yet erected on site |
Service Number | 936229 |
Service | Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve |
Group | |
Squadron | 45 |
Trade | WOp/AG |
Country of origin if different | United Kingdom |
Thomas N H (F/Sgt) |
Adams G R (Sgt) |
Start Date | 26-05-1941 |
End Date | 26-05-1941 |
Takeoff Station | LG 17 (Fuka Main) |
Day/Night raid | Day |
Operation | Maleme |
Reason for Loss | Shot down in flames over the target by Bf 109 fighters |