Aircraft | Vickers Wellington III |
Serial Number | BJ594 |
Markings | GT- |
Burial/Memorial Country | United Kingdom |
Burial/Memorial Place | St. Pancras Cemetery |
Grave Reference | Service Plot, Joint Grave 71.. |
Phase | 2 |
Panel Number | 270 |
Service Number | 1378544 |
Service | Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve |
Group | 3 |
Squadron | 156 |
Trade | Air Gunner |
Country of origin if different | United Kingdom |
Start Date | 25-06-1942 |
End Date | 26-06-1942 |
Takeoff Station | Alconbury |
Day/Night raid | Night |
Operation | Bremen. 960 Bomber Command aircraft were joined by 102 from Coastal Command. The stiff wind that kept cloud cover away by day dropped, allowing cloud to form over the target and made identification difficult. Attack mainly centred on the Focke-Wulf factory and the A. G. Weser and Deschimag shipyards. Gee equipped markers lit fires which most bombers then bombed, making the results more impressive than the Essen 1000 bomber raid. Very high OTU losses due to old aircraft and inexperience, making total losses 5%. 91 Group lost 11.6% of its aircraft |
Reason for Loss | Turned back due to electrical problems. Crashed on third attempt to land. Collided with a pillbox, tearing off the rear turret and killing Sgt Young |