Aircraft | Vickers Wellington IC |
Serial Number | N2771 |
Markings | KX-H |
Burial/Memorial Country | United Kingdom |
Burial/Memorial Place | Harrow (Pinner) Cemetery |
Grave Reference | Sec. G.4. Coll. grave 17.. |
Epitaph |
Phase | 2 |
Panel Number | 206 |
Service Number | 82524 |
Service | Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve |
Group | 3 |
Squadron | 311 (Czechoslovak) |
Trade | WOp/AG |
Country of origin if different | Czechoslovakia |
Albrecht J (Sgt) |
Slaby J (P/O) |
Vesely J (S/L) |
Zapletal F (Sgt) |
Start Date | 16-10-1940 |
End Date | 17-10-1940 |
Takeoff Station | East Wretham |
Day/Night raid | Night |
Operation | Bremen |
Reason for Loss | Severe icing leading to aircraft crashing near to Fighter Command headquarters, Bentley Priory |