Aircraft | Avro Lancaster II |
Serial Number | LL723 |
Markings | EQ-H |
Burial/Memorial Country | United Kingdom |
Burial/Memorial Place | Runnymede Memorial |
Grave Reference | Panel 207.. |
Epitaph |
Phase | 2 |
Panel Number | 186 |
Service Number | 158625 |
Service | Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve |
Group | 6 |
Squadron | 408 (Goose) |
Trade | WOp/AG |
Country of origin if different | United Kingdom |
Dallyn J B (F/O) |
Hanson J R (F/L) |
Henderson M (P/O) |
Jacobs D S (W/C) |
McDougall T R (F/L) |
Morgan L E (F/O) |
Philpot W G (F/O) |
Young J P (P/O) |
Start Date | 22-05-1944 |
End Date | 23-05-1944 |
Takeoff Station | Linton-on-Ouse |
Day/Night raid | Night |
Operation | Dortmund. 375 aircraft, 18 Lancasters Lost (4.8%). Most of the bombing fell in the SE districts and mostly in residential areas. 852 houses and 6 buildings were destroyed. 361 were killed, including 22 PoW. |
Reason for Loss | Shot down by a night-fighter and crashed at Westrup, ESE of Haltern, Germany |