Aircraft | Vickers Wellington X |
Serial Number | HE283 |
Markings |
Burial/Memorial Country | United Kingdom |
Burial/Memorial Place | Cambridge City Cemetery |
Grave Reference | Grave 15970.. |
Epitaph |
Phase | 1 |
Panel Number | 88 |
Service Number | 416164 |
Service | Royal New Zealand Air Force |
Group | 91 |
Squadron | 20 OTU |
Trade | Air Bomber |
Country of origin if different | New Zealand |
Furlong N J (F/O) |
Seymour C (F/O) |
Young R A L (F/O) |
Start Date | 09-10-1943 |
End Date | 09-10-1943 |
Takeoff Station | Lossiemouth |
Day/Night raid | Day |
Operation | Training- cross country exercise |
Reason for Loss | Lost control and crashed WNW of Northallerton while trying to make an emergency landing |