Aircraft | Avro Lancaster III |
Serial Number | ND741 |
Markings | KM-K |
Burial/Memorial Country | France |
Burial/Memorial Place | Orleans Main Cemetery |
Grave Reference | Plot 2. Row A. Grave 1.. |
Phase | 1 |
Panel Number | 42 |
Service Number | 131550 |
Service | Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve |
Group | 5 |
Squadron | 44 (Rhodesia) |
Trade | Navigator |
Country of origin if different | United Kingdom |
Alexander R C (P/O) |
Hunter C H (S/L) |
Miles G R (P/O) |
Salmon F A (P/O) |
Willis G K (F/O) |
Start Date | 07-05-1944 |
End Date | 08-05-1944 |
Takeoff Station | Dunholme Lodge |
Day/Night raid | Night |
Operation | Salbriz explosives and ammunition factory |
Reason for Loss | Attacked by a night fighter shortly after midnight, forcing the crew to abandon the aircraft at low level near the village of Herbilly. Due to their low altitude, only one of the parachutes opened. Six crew members died. The aircraft crashed into the village, exploding and destroying several buildings and killing 13 civilian victims in their homes. Shot down by Lt. Fred Hromadnik of 9/NJG4- his fourth claim. |